Slower website startup times when uploading to live

Slower website startup times when uploading to live

Posted on April 17, 2014 0 Comments

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This article could help you investigate slower startup times when deploying your application to your live environments.

Let's start with some basics of how an ASP.NET website is hosted in the w3wp.exe process created by the IIS for each application pool.

a diagram showing how an application is hosted inside the IIS w3wp.exe process

Our experience shows that in most of the cases when uploading a websites to your live environment the web site is restarted several times (the application domain which resides in the application pool worker process is unloaded several times). Since the dlls of all applications are loaded from the temporary folder when the application starts it will first make sure that the files in the bin folder are the same as the files in the temporary folder. And if the application is on the large side this operation could happen several times during the file write operation done by the site deployment. This in terms causes more input output operations for the hard drive which slows down the file writing operation even more prolonging the effect.

To prevent this you need to change the following settings in the web.config. The highlighted values must be higher than the total time taken by the file writing operation in seconds.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



    <httpRuntime waitChangeNotification="60" maxWaitChangeNotification="60" />



Here is more info for those configurations in MSDN:

Momchil Mitev

Momchil Mitev is currently leading the Sitefinity R&D team at Telerik. He joined the company in 2008 as a web developer helping the internal business systems teams and later moved to the Sitefinity division. Previous responsibilities include leading the DevOps team in Telerik, helping with continuous delivery implementations.


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